Blinkie Graphics


Here is a large collection of blinkie graphics that I have found while surfing the internet.  The first selection are all in gif format.  These are from a site where they were originally icons. Naturally you can't view .ico with Paint Shop Pro.  I searched for an hour at Google and finally found a program that worked to extract them and convert them!  Since I always follow all rules, I have copied what was posted on the site where I found them.  There are NO rules about sharing them in collections so I am offering them here with only 1 RULE!    You MUST link back to her site if you use these on a web page.  She is fair enough to offer these, so please follow her very simple rule! Her name is Firefly and her link is

Just right click on the image and save it to your desktop please.  You do NOT have to link back to my site but it sure would be thoughtful!


Here's another place to get some adorable blinkies! She also offers a very easy to follow blinkies tutorial!

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